Why You Should Be Using Refi Internet Leads

Mortgage refinancing is a way for a homeowner to avoid foreclosure, lower monthly payments and keep more money every month. Not every homeowner qualifies for a mortgage refi. It can be difficult to locate the homeowners who want a refi and who could be eligible. Fortunately, Live Transfers® can help your business find these individuals. They collect quality Internet leads from people who meet different criteria and who show a genuine interest in refinancing in the near future. You should be using refi Internet leads from Live Transfers® for several reasons.

Catch New Leads Early

You want leads who have not already started to refinance through another business. Chasing these leads can be a massive waste of time and resources. The types of real-time refi Internet leads generated by Live Transfers® let you catch these prospects early in the process. Many are simply showing an interest in refinancing but have not started the process yet. This allows you to contact these leads first and to become their source for refi information and help. Catching new leads early will make your marketing efforts more effective.

Get Results That Are Already Filtered

Some Internet lead lists are nothing more than a collection of random people. These lists include some good leads but also usually contain far more bad leads from individuals who might not even be homeowners. Live Transfers® provides you with results that are already filtered. You can request leads who are in a specific geographic area, who have a specific loan-to-value ratio or who have only good credit scores. This type of filtering allows you to focus exclusively on people who meet the criteria your business is looking for.

Deal With Only People Who Are Likely To Convert

What you want to avoid is getting a list of leads from people who do not really want refinancing or who are years away from refinancing. Live Transfers® uses a combination of targeted emails campaigns, banner ads, and landing pages in order to sort out the serious homeowners from the ones who are looking for something other than refinancing. The refi Internet leads you get will be people who are very likely to convert after hearing about your services. This can improve your return on investment and can increase your revenues every year.

Exclusive Leads Are Available

You do not want to receive lists of leads who have already been flooded with calls, emails and marketing materials from hundreds of other businesses. Live Transfers® can provide you with exclusive refi Internet leads. These leads are provided to your business only once they request help with refinancing. They are not passed to many different companies at the same time. The benefit is that those leads are going to be contacted by you alone. This increases the chance of making a conversion and reduces the risk that a competitor will steal your business.